
Pl. Major, 4
08696 Castellar de n'Hug (Berguedà-Barcelona)
Tlf.: (+34) 93 825 70 65
E-mail: info@hostallamuntanya.cat

Would you like to make a reservation?

Do you want to book your stay at HOSTAL LA MUNTANYA (in the hostel or in one of our tourist apartments)?:

book now

NOTE: To make reservations at the Restaurant please by phone ( Tel.: (+34) 93 825 70 65) or e-mail ( info@hostallamuntanya.cat, we will answer you as soon as possible).

Location map

Activitats turisme actiu, actividades turismo activo, activités de tourisme actif, active tourism activities

Activities all year long!

The main activities that can be done in Castellar de n'Hug, depend a lot on the season of the year in which we are. Practice active tourism, lots of activities to do all year long!

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